Barren 8ft Outdoor Pool Table
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Truly one of the most unique billiard tables in the industry. A beautiful masterpiece that lets you take your pool skills indoors or outdoors. The solid tropical wood construction can handle outdoor environments while looking great enough to be the featured item in any indoor game room.
This table is constructed to last a lifetime with all tropical solid hardwood construction, oversized rails, and 1” backed 3 piece slate, Exact Shot K-66 profile 100% gum rubber cushions, and high torque t-nut fasteners. In addition, the backing on the 1" thick slate is marine grade high density fiberboard which will ensure a level playfield even outdoors. Lastly, our outdoor pool table cloth is designed specifically for outdoor use. It is a soft, breathable, solution-dyed acrylic that is UV, water, and mildew resistant and does not noticeably shrink or stretch.
Category: acacia, billiard, Billiard Table, billiards, Billiards table, employee pick, outdoor game, outdoor games