
Our Commitment To You

UPDATED Our Commitment to You During Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As we continue to work together to navigate these unprecedented times, we wanted to thank you for understanding as we struggle to keep up with everyone's needs!  We are experiencing triple the normal call volume and are having trouble getting to everyone.  If you are struggling getting through to us, please email Anna@myleisuredepot.com directly.  We have also initiated an answering service while we are closed on Thursdays.  This service will email us and we will get to those emails as soon as we return the next business day.  

We are also finding that our vendors are unable to keep up with the demand for outdoor living product.  We continue to do our very best to bring to you a variety of options across all the product we offer. 

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we pray for our families and yours!

The health of Leisure Depot's customers, employees, and partners is our primary concern. We continue to closely monitor developments with respect to this coronavirus. We have taken proactive steps to ensure the safety and wellness of our customers and employees. We are following current guidelines and protocols in our daily operations, including our store and field operations.

Leisure Depot is a specialty retailer; therefore, we have a limited number of customers in our showroom locations at any given time.  As part of our standard processes, we have increased frequency of cleaning, hygiene routines, and monitoring operational protocols — all of which are continually checked to ensure they meet or exceed all guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including:


  • Disinfecting hard surfaces throughout the store to include public spaces twice daily.
  • Disinfectant wipes and hand-sanitizer readily available to customers in all areas of our stores.
  • Increased frequency of cleaning protocols.
  • Virtual Consultations With Our Team (visit LeisureDepot.Online)


  • Disinfectant wipes and hand-sanitizer available to operations staff.
  • Vehicles routinely wiped down and sanitized throughout the day.
  • Employees showing symptoms will be sent home immediately.
  • Office areas disinfected and sanitized as necessary.

I know I speak for every member of our Leisure Depot family when I say that we take the greatest pride in the role we play in the lives of our customers and employees. For more information please refer to CDC guidelines and updates.

Management Team
Leisure Depot

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Can the COVID-19 virus spread through pools and hot tubs?

According to the CDC, there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools and hot tubs. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

Is your business considered essential?

On March 19, U.S. Department of Homeland Security released an advisory document supporting the position that pool and spa maintenance, as well as the distribution of sanitizing chemicals, is essential. You can access that memorandum here.