
Time To Get "Schooled"

August 02, 2016

Time to get Schooled by Sandy Hendricks

Congratulations!  You've decided to add one of the most relaxing, refreshing, and exciting features to your yard - you have a pool!  Whether you are a brand new pool owner or you've had a pool for years, you know that there is a little more to it than just floating and soaking up the sunshine.

While some might be intimidated by the various chemicals and accessories used to keep a pool in tip-top shape, you shouldn't worry.  Leisure Depot is here to help you get the most out of your pool.  Just attend our Pool School on any Saturday from 9-10 am and we'll explain anything you need to know.  It doesn't matter if you're entirely new to the pool experience or if you've been running your pool for years. Everyone is welcome at Pool School!

Even better, bring a water sample and we'll give you a free water test and explain how to balance your specific water so you can relax and enjoy your pool.  Our pool specialists will be on hand to help you understand chemicals, maintenance, accessories, and more.  You'll be able to ask any questions you might have and get simple and direct answers.  We want you to love your pool and we're here to help.


So while Summer is far from over, we hope to see you in school... Pool School!


Pool School chalkboard

Want to keep up with new products and helpful tips to maintain your pool? Make sure to follow Leisure Depot's Pool School newsletter and maintenance schedules for the latest! Sign up here.


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